There isn’t a feeling to feel
It’s hard for me to come to grips with the idea that I have any form of talent or strength in anything whatsoever. “Technical expertise”, yeah, I guess I feel I have that, in a few areas, relative to most people.
I’ve been sharing some of my thoughts about life with family and friends over the last year and I think they’ve threatened to disown me if I didn’t start publishing them.
In fact, this post is a result of that. Someone told me, “Stop what you’re doing and go publish something. Stop holding it back. People need to hear that.”
I said I didn’t feel like I had anything to add to anyone. Like I didn’t have anything worthwhile to give.
That most of us probably live in this mindset that, when we’re ready, or strong enough, or good enough, that we would feel something differently. That we are waiting to feel the feeling of being ready, or good enough, or strong enough.
And then it occurred to me. There is no feeling to feel. What would the feeling of “ready” or feeling “good enough” even feel like?
We think that we can’t be Superman, because we don’t feel like Superman. If we were Superman, we’d feel like Superman. But what would “feeling like Superman” feel like? There is no feeling of “Superman.”
We’ll never feel these feelings because they literally don’t exist. So why are we waiting for them?
They said “SEE? GO WRITE THAT! NOW!”, so I did. Hi.